Users of WhatsApp can now use multiple devices for the messenger. It does not matter if the smartphone is turned on with the linked SIM card at all. This feature can currently be tried in the beta version of the app for iOS and Android.
How can WhatsApp be used on multiple devices?
Although so far there was already the possibility to use the messenger, for example about the browser, but the mobile could always be connected to the Internet. In the future, this is no longer necessary. Only every two weeks the smartphone must be connected to the network to continue to use WhatsApp on the other devices.
New devices can be connected via a QR code with your account. A total of four devices can be coupled to a telephone number at the same time. The beta can be found in the settings of WhatsApp. Just look at Linked Devices. Because it is still a beta, it could come to and then problems.
Will new community functions come to WhatsApp?
Recently, evidence of other community functions could be found in the data of the app. Similar to Telegram or Discord, groups can be found that provide more functions than the previous group chats of WhatsApp. In the current beta, however, the community feature is not included yet.
Via Wabetainfo
Who wants to use WhatsApp on multiple devices, which finds in the PUGH guide, for example, tablet PCs of all kinds!
From Dominik Wingman author 09.11.2021 at 15:00
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