Sony's insistence to put offline the servers of his old multiplayer games continues when Everrybody's Golf is confirmed as the next unfortunate victim of the stratagem. The delicious putter will lose all its functionalities online on September 30, 2022, leaving you exactly six months to enjoy its modes and features focused on the Internet. The official wording is present on the PlayStation website: "Online servers for Everybody's Golf will be closed on September 30, 2022. All online features (including online multiplayer modes) will cease on that date. You can always play and enjoy the game. In offline solo modes. » This means that from October 1, 2022, you will lose access to open courses and international tournaments, in the daily and copy rankings, using WARP medals and many other things. Two trophies will also become impossible to obtain, which means you will not be able to unlock the platinum trophy. The first is online debut, which loads you simply to an on...